Price range: $100-$175 (depending on complexity)
TAT: 2-4 weeks


VRM or VSF file
Includes source files (if requested)
Fully rigged
Webcam face tracking
5 toggleable expressions
Anime or cartoon art style


ARKit (iPhone face tracking) +$20
No turnaround reference (means I will make one myself) +$10
Additional outfits +$10-$20 based on complexity


Pay half before I start, then the remaining half when I finish it
I will not send the file until it is fully paid
Please provide a head-on front and side turnaround reference. If you don't have a reference, I will make my own, and it will be additional $10.
You can use the model for personal and commercial use.
Payment through PayPal
If you discover any problems with the model after paying, you may contact me and I will fix it
No refunds once I already started

What I CAN do

SFW/suggestive character
Animal features
My art style
Anime style
Cartoon style

What I CAN’T do

Anthropomorphic characters